Friday, November 29, 2013

More Precious

I am writing this for me. However, it is dedicated to everyone. Whether you are dating or married, there will come a time when you won't be able to look into those eyes, or kiss those lips, or hold that hand (at least, on this plain of existence). So, before you get angry, before you say things you don't mean, before you feel jealousy or envy or the like, or get distracted by email, internet, or television, remember this. Remember that every moment matters.


When you know that there is an expiration date on a love that you hold in your heart, you watch the clock. Every second becomes diamonds and gold. More precious, in fact, because while you can always get more diamonds, more can't get more time.

As each grain of sand slips away through the hourglass, you learn to love with every piece of you. Every moment together is bliss. Every moment apart, agony.

Again, you watch the clock, waiting until the hour, the minute, the second that you will see their face again. You learn to listen, to speak softly, to not give in to anger. You learn what it means to really love someone.

Because when that final grain slips past, as you always knew it would; when the clock stops ticking, when you hold that hand in yours for the last time, the world slows down. You feel every last imperfection on that hand, every throb of the blood that flows within, every bit of warmth that will never be there again.

And as they walk away from you for the last time you will die a little inside, because while you held them close, kissed their lips, and looked into their eyes... were never, never more alive. And it was worth it.

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