Jack loved Anna with all of his heart. And though she didn't say it as often, he knew that she loved him, too. As an old movie played in the background, Anna looked at him. He turned his attention toward her and smiled.
Looking at her face always made him smile. In all the years he'd known her, only once had her charms not caused him to smile. In thinking of this, his smile grew larger.
"What is it," Anna asked. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing funny," he replied. "I was just thinking about you and how much you mean to me. I love you."
At this matter of fact response, Anna's smile grew. "Well, what is it about me that you love so much?"
Jack was quiet for a moment. The smile never left his face, but he was thinking.
"I'm not sure how to phrase it all, but I'll do my best," he said. "I guess that in some fashion, I've always loved you. Even before I was ready to admit it."
"From the first time that I saw you, the way you were smiling made your eyes seem to shine. Maybe sparkle is the better word."
"Anyway," he continued, "when you ran your fingers through my hair that day, it was like nothing I'd felt before. No one had ever touched me with such tenderness, gentleness."
Anna giggled at this. "Well, it was my job to take care of you and make sure that you went away happy. But I understand what you mean. It was a bit different for me, too. For some reason, I didn't just think of you as another client. And I could see the way you looked at me."
"Well, you're beautiful. I know that plenty of guys look at you like that."
"No," she said. "It wasn't the same. When most guys would look at me, they'd be looking me up and down, checking me out. But you didn't. You just looked into my eyes."
"What can say? I was captivated. And I loved your smile, from the moment I saw it. There was something...wonderful about it. It was the most sincere smile I've ever seen and I knew that you were someone that was very caring and loving."
She laughed. "All that from a smile?"
"That, and more," he said. "Your smile is part of your beauty. And it's always there, if only hinted at. You're a happy person. I love that about you."
"And that's why you love me?"
"In part, yes. You aren't fake, and you're confident in who you are. I think that's part of why you're so happy all the time. You know you aren't perfect, but you are perfectly you. When I close my eyes and think of your face, I see that smile of your. A tiny bit crooked on the left, but with perfectly white little teeth. And your adorable, baby round cheeks are highlighted by that little mole of yours."
"You have a cute little nose and big, smiling eyes."
"Back to the smiles again," she asked with a giggle.
"Always with your smile. I love it and I love you."
Anna thought for a moment on this. "So, am I just a pretty smile to you then?"
"No. Not at all," said Jack, looking into her eyes. "Your smile is just a part of it. I can't put it all into words, but if it's true that home is where the heart is, then my home is with you. No matter where I was in the world, no matter what I was doing at the time, if you're there with me, I'll always be home."
With that, he leaned over and wrapped his arms around her. Closing his eyes, he kissed her cheeks, her nose, her forehead. Finally, he kissed her lips. He held her tightly and breathed in her scent. He lost himself in the moment. It could have been 10 seconds or 10 years.
When he opened his eyes again, he looked at Anna's face. Her smile matched his own. They had spent a lifetime together, nearly 50 years.
A tear ran down Anna's face but the smile never faded. "I love you too, Jack."
And as the light began to fade from her eyes, tears began to trickle from Jack's. Her breathing slowed, became shallow. "I'll always be with you," she said, placing a hand on his heart.
Quietly, her hand slipped away from his chest and fell gently on to the hospital bed. Jack held her for a long moment before slowly lowering her head to the pillow. Still holding her close, he whispered into her ear.
"And I will always love you."
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